our mission

At K&J Investment, our commitment is to help our clients create and preserve wealth by providing them with the best real estate investment sales, financing, research and advisory services available.



our team

Ksai Liang

Broker/Sr. Loan Consultant/Notary Public


Office: 510.360.0888  |  Cell: 510.396.5818  |  Fax: 510.360.0880

Email: Kliang@kjinvest.com

CalBRE# 01215496 / NMLS#326588

Belinda Wang

Realtor/Sr. Loan Consultant


Cell: 510.579.3754  |  Fax: 510.740.3537

Email: BelindaWang@comcast.net

Nancy Kuo

Realtor/Sr. Loan Consultant/Notary


Office: 510.360.0888  |  Cell: 510.364.9422  |  Fax: 510.360.0880

Email: Nkuo@kjinvest.com

HongJia Zhang


System Admin/IT Specialist


Office: 510.360.0888  |  Cell: 510.290.6587

Email: hongjiaeric@yahoo.com

Nina Laurent



Escrow Coordinator


Office: 510.360.0888  |  Fax: 510.360.0888

Email: Nlaurent@kjinvest.com



Priya Bhuptani



Staging Consultant


Cell: 510.376.6757  |  Fax: 510.623.8321

Email: Priyabhuptani@comealivehome.com


contact us


FREMONT, CA. 94539


TEL: 510.360.0888

FAX: 510.360.0880